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Connect with Others Across the State of PA

Page history last edited by Lauri Graybill 16 years, 2 months ago


Grade Level/Subject Taught

Skype Name

Erik Wittmer

4th Grade

Team 207

Amy Musone

3rd Grade


 Summer Hill



 Traci Landry

 First Grade


 Dave Ryer



 Jason Heiser

 HS/Social Studies


 Rick Jones

 5th Grade


 Mark Painter

 TIS/CFF Coach


 Darcy Goshorn
HS any subject (coach)

 Lisa Harris

 Elementary Art



 Sue Allen

 CFF Coach




 Lisa Lucas

 First Grade



Lauri Graybill


K-6 (Technology Support Teacher)




















































petecskypeme.pbwiki.com    invite key = petec

Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 2:57 pm on Feb 18, 2008

Hi, I attended your session at pete & c. You mentioned that you bought software that enabled you to record your skype sessions. Could you share what software you have used? Thanks. Traci Landry Hershey Elementary

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